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Sunday, July 4, 2010

New Study Finds Olive Oil Effective against HER-2 Breast Cancer

New Study Finds Olive Oil Effective against HER-2 Breast Cancer
HNHC Comment: Can we now add tumor-killing properties, notably, breast carcinoma, to the list of healthy properties of Extra Virgin Olive Oil? By the way, that list is said to include lower rates of atherosclerosis, diabetes, colon cancer, and asthma. EVOO is processed without the use of heat.  Though regular use of EVOO might convey its health benefits through a preventative effect, what about using these polyphenols for a curative effect, once someone has cancer?  Another article I read suggested that scientists might be considering these polyphenols for use in new cancer drugs.  In the article cited below, we learn "The research, conducted by Javier A. Menendez, coordinator of the Translational Research Unit of the ICO and doctors Alberto Fernandez Gutierrez and Antonio Segura Carretero, confirms that polyphenols (especially those known as secoiridoids and lignans) found in extra virgin olive oil not only inhibit the activity of cancer-promoting HER2 activity but also promotes the protein's degradation. ....... phytochemicals could be an excellent and safe basis for the design of new anti-HER2 cancer-fighting treatments." 

It may be impractical to consume enough EVOO for the purpose of effecting a cure once the cancer exists, suggested another source, thus I predict that a high concentration supplementation protocol may be forthcoming.  Such a development might work well in combination with other protocols throughout the world using other high concentration supplementation to effect new types of integrative/holistic cancer treatments.  For example, combining/alternating known protocols such as the Organo-Germanium132 supplementation (used in Japan) with new supplementation protocols using the newly discovered properties of these polyphenols of EVOO may be new grounds for productive research in the future.  The polyphenols and Vitamin E of EVOO are anti-oxidants.  See also the article at http://www.naturalnews.com/025633.html.

1 comment:

  1. Yes homeopathy is more effective in breast cancer ...thanks for useful blog
