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Friday, April 9, 2010

Seasonal flu vaccines increase risk of pandemic H1N1 flu, stunned scientists discover

Seasonal flu vaccines increase risk of pandemic H1N1 flu, stunned scientists discover
HNHC Comment:
A Canadian study reports counterproductive effects of so-called "seasonal" vaccination. Though the theory behind vaccination is based upon a similar principal as Homeopathy, which means "like cures like suffering" (the individual credited with the invention of the first vaccination process was said to also be a homeopath) the problem with vaccines lies in their toxicity and high dosages, which can be damaging. Homeopathy avoids this with ultra-minute dosings, which are more energetic than "chemical" in their nature, and which have been shown to have a different effect on cells due to their dilution, even with the same substance.

For purposes of illustration of these principles (and not speaking to the vaccination issue), a chemical drug may attempt to solve an imbalance in the body by inhibiting natural production of the imbalanced substance in the body or possibly by inhibiting the reception of such substance ARTIFICIALLY. An ENDLESS circle may ensue -- with the body responding to what it SENSES as an underproduction of the substance, thus generating more and more of the unwanted substance. Conversely, if a substance is unnaturally heaped upon an organism with an imbalance in that substance, the imbalance has been known to sometimes spiral out of control.  I have heard of this happening to someone who suffered from anemia for a long time, taking 4 different kinds of iron isolates prescribed from different sources. The anemia got worse and worse as more varieties of iron pills were pumped into her.   This anemia-iron phenomenon was recorded centuries ago. The opposite of this would be to help the body sense that it has this imbalance so that it can address it, rather than to get on an endless merry-go-round....

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