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Monday, March 22, 2010

Health care reform bill dooms America to Pharma-dominated sickness and suffering

Health care reform bill dooms America to Pharma-dominated sickness and suffering

Get ready for some major shock and awakening when you find out what could be in store for the health freedom movement in America, one that is virtually in its infancy, and finally getting off the ground with various States taking action through their own legislatures to loosen up the grip of AMA monopolization of "health" to allow more access to other modalities of the more natural variety. One would think that leaders that call themselves open-minded and ready for "change" would embrace the various alternatives in "health care" that had finally start to become more accessible in America. A case in point is Chinese Medicine, which is now much more accessible than 20 years ago since the various States enacted Statutes to cover the practice of this medical system apart from the "traditional" medicine system. Now we are hearing about further restrictions to what information a doctor can even communicate to patients????? Which way will this pendulum swing now?!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Cytotoxic effects of ultra-diluted remedies on breast cancer cells

Cytotoxic effects of ultra-diluted remedies on breast cancer cells

Here is the famous article in International Journal of Oncology. Enjoy.

Cancer patients treated with the Banerji protocols utilising homoeopathic medicine: A Best Case Series Program of the National Cancer Institute USA

Cancer patients treated with the Banerji protocols utilising homoeopathic medicine: A Best Case Series Program of the National Cancer Institute USA

Here we have it - the abstract and article reporting the findings of a newly acknowledged alternative medicine protocol for lung and oesophageal carcinoma being used in India. Findings by this research institute are highly scientific, down to the chemistry of the pathological changes in the tumor tissue. Both pathological and radiological records were used for evaluation by the US NCI BCS program.
You will be amazed by the results!!.... or will you!???..... (if you have ever seen homeopathy at work before).

It is also interesting timing. I had been informed (though I have not verified it) that this is actually the first time that an independent study of such kind, showing the efficacy of homeopathy on carcinoma, was reported by the Journal of Oncology. Let's keep a close watch to see if there will be any ripple effect from this research being reported! Certainly it appears there are events happening in the UK which resist or even react to this type of scientific evidence.


Thursday, March 11, 2010

Vitamin D ~ For the Health of It (part 2)

Vitamin D ~ For the Health of It (part 2)

Great article about the prevention of Vit D3 deficiency. It is a lot more common than would expect. Vitamin D is often overlooked in skeletal health, as most of the focus has been placed Calcium supplementation.